Paul you are old but...

Posted Posted by Inner Being in Comments 0 comments

Man! this guy might be so old but he still haven't loose his beat. I've been loving this man since I don't know when. He's always changing, his production might be slow, but I still find it hard to cope up with his changing style. His melody? No doubt about it. His Beat? I just said still there. His saying? maybe I am too slow or too..... I don't want to say, to understand. But I still love his music. His youthfulness makes young chap like us feel left out, unable to catch up. After I watch this clip at youtube I say he will not die, his music gave him immortality. Here I go for his clip for the third time... 

When I first listen to the One Trick Pony album, I just cannot digest. I was so attached to the Simon and Garfunkel era of folk style music, and I was looking forward to that sweet music in Paul Simon composing, but he has moved on and grow to this rich style of music, but lucky for me after some time of listening to it, I began to love the whole lots of it, every song in this album was so rich and full of inspiration. And so I again starts to attached to this era of Paul Simon style, but as history plays out, he changed again.


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